Authentic recognition has, and will always be, the most genuine expression of appreciation, capable of transforming relationships and boosting morale.

85% of companies that spend 1% or more of payroll on recognition see a positive impact on engagement. Yet, the challenge lies in ensuring that this recognition is authentic and resonates deeply with employees.

3 Simple Steps For Authentic Peer Recognition:

1. Observe and Understand

Take the time to genuinely observe your colleagues in action. Understand their strengths, challenges, and the nuances of their contributions. This foundational step ensures that your recognition is rooted in genuine observations and not just surface-level perceptions.

2. Be Specific and Timely

When offering recognition, be specific about what you're appreciating. Highlight the exact contribution or quality you've observed. Additionally, ensure that your recognition is timely. Acknowledge efforts as soon as you notice them to maximize the impact.

3. Tailor Your Recognition

Every individual has a unique preference for how they like to be recognized. Some may prefer public acknowledgment, while others might value a private word of appreciation. Tailor your recognition to suit the preferences of your colleague, ensuring it resonates deeply with them.

Authentic recognition redefines your workplace relationships, and builds trust, camaraderie, and a genuine sense of belonging.

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Team Work

Last Update: August 09, 2024